FAQ Category Archives: Services

CT (Computed Tomography) Scanner

Cat CT ScannerThe Cat Clinic is equipped with a mutli-slice CT scanner. A CT (Computed Tomography) uses X-rays to produce cross sectional images which let us look inside complex structures in the body. The use of CT scanning allows us to diagnose many diseases that would otherwise be hidden.

CT scans are most useful to investigate disease of the head, chest and spine. In cats, some CT scans are done with anaesthesia and some while the cat is awake.

Senior Cat Program

At The Cat Clinic we strive to give our feline patients the best of care, and your cat’s health is our priority. As the years go by, the ageing process can create more and more concerns for your cat and just like in people, early detection is the key to successful treatment.

The problems that our senior patients are at risk of developing include:

  • kidney disease
  • diabetes
  • overactive thyroid glands
  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • high blood pressure
  • arthritis

Over the last few years there have been excellent advances in the treatment of many of these diseases seen in older cats, especially kidney disease. For these new treatments to have their greatest benefit though, they must start early before you notice any signs of illness.

We consider any cat 10 years of age or older to be a senior cat and re recommend that all senior cats start on our Senior Cat Care Program. The program involves a full veterinary check up, weigh in, dental examination, arthritis assessment, blood pressure measurement and some simple blood and urine screening tests designed to detect early signs of disease. Senior cat checks can be done at the same time as an annual vaccination which saves on one extra trip to the vet.

Senior cats should then be reassessed every 6 months to ensure any disease is diagnosed early and optimal treated provided. A senior cat program allows us to provide your cat with the best possible care and advise you on the special needs of your senior cat to ensure a long healthy life.

Cat years Human years
1 16
3 27
5 35
7 43
9 51
11 59
13 67
15 75
17 83
19 91

How old is your cat in human years?

The clinical examination is an essential part of preventative health care, however, we need to do some tests to help up see how the body is functioning. A brief description of the tests and what they mean follows.

Blood pressure is just as important in cats as it is in people, it is much harder to measure in cats though.  We use an ultrasound detector to amplify the pulse to we can make the measurement. High blood pressure is often caused by kidney disease or overactive thyroid glands.

Urine specific gravity is a test on the urine that lets us know how concentrated a cat’s urine is.  Cats are desert animals and they are supposed to have concentrated urine. This is one test where a high result is good. Urine that is not concentrated can be the first sign of many diseases including kidney disease and diabetes. When urine is not concentrated, you will usually see an increase in thirst.
Urine dipstick analysis use test strips to measure the levels of many chemicals in the urine. This is an excellent way of screening for diabetes and urinary tract disease. Information about some parts of kidney function can also be determined.

Creatinine is a waste product that is made in the muscles. The kidneys remove creatinine from the blood. We measure the levels in the blood to help see how well the kidneys are working.  If they are not working well then creatinine will build up to high levels. Although it is the best routine blood test available it is not able to detect very early kidney disease

Urea is a waste product made from the breakdown of spare protein, much of which comes from food. Like creatinine we can measure urea and a build up show the kidneys are not working properly. It is not as accurate a test as creatinine but it will often detect kidney disease slightly earlier.

ALT is an enzyme that is found in the liver and elevated levels indicate liver problems. Common causes of liver problems in older cats include bacterial infections, liver cancer and overactive thyroid glands.

Total protein is a simple test that measures the levels of protein in the blood. Abnormalities can be caused by many problems including inflammation, blood loss, liver, kidney, or intestinal disease.

Packed cell volume is a measure of how many red blood cells your cat has in their blood and tells us if anaemia is present or if there is dehydration.

Phone us today to arrange a senior check for your cat and join our Senior Cat Care Program.


WE MICROCHIP! Call us to make an appointment or for more info.

Vaccination in Cats

Regular vaccination is an important part of routine health care for your cat and helps to ensure your cat remains fit and well.

Many serious and life-threatening diseases can be prevented by vaccination.

Regular vaccination is an important part of routine health care for your cat and helps to ensure your cat remains fit and well. Many serious and life-threatening diseases can be prevented by vaccination. In Australia, there are a number of vaccines that are currently available for use in cats to protect against the following diseases:-

Feline Herpes Virus Type 1 (FHV-1; feline rhinotracheitis virus)
Feline Calicivirus ( FCV)
Feline Panleukopenia (feline infectious enteritis; feline parvovirus)
Feline Chlamydial Infection
Feline Leukaemia Virus ( FeLV)
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

How do vaccines work?

Vaccines work by exposing the body's immune system to a particular modified infectious agent.  This causes the white blood cells to react to fight the infection by producing proteins (antibodies) which are able to bind to and neutralise the infectious agent (antigen).  Antibodies work together with other white blood cells (lymphocytes) which are able to identify and kill cells within the body which have become infected by the agent (cell mediated response).  After vaccine exposure, the body 'remembers' the particular antigens so that when they are encountered again it can mount a very rapid and strong immune response preventing the cat from showing clinical signs of disease.

It is important to realise that most vaccines work by preventing your cat from becoming ill and may not prevent it from becoming infected.  This means that if a vaccinated cat becomes infected with ‘cat flu’ it may still shed the disease producing organism which can infect unvaccinated animals which will then become ill.  This is not a major consideration in the pet cat but may be important in the breeding colony.

What is the difference between the various types of vaccine?

The 2 major types of vaccines for use in cats are:

Modified live vaccines- these vaccines contain live organisms that are weakened (attenuated) so that they do not produce disease but will multiply in the cat's body. It is not advisable to use modified live vaccines in pregnant queens or cats whose immune system is not working properly e.g. cats infected by feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).

Killed (inactivated) vaccines - these vaccines are prepared using fully virulent organisms that have been killed by chemicals, UV light or radiation.  Because, on their own, they do not give such a high level of protection, a chemical (adjuvant) is added to the vaccine to stimulate a better immune response.


When should my kitten be vaccinated?

Kittens should be first vaccinated at 6 to 8 weeks and then every 4 weeks until they are 16 weeks or older. For most kittens this will mean 3 vaccinations. A kitten will not be fully protected until 7-10 days after the last vaccination.  Under specific circumstances we may advise an alternative regime.

How often should booster vaccinations be given?

Guidelines for booster vaccinations are constantly being debated around the world. Vaccines currently used in Australia are labelled by the manufacturer to be given every 12 months. We support this and recommend that after the initial series of kitten vaccinations that cats be vaccinated every 12 months.

Will vaccination always protect my cat?

Vaccination will protect the vast majority of cats but under some circumstance vaccine breakdowns will occur.  There are many reasons for this including:-

1.       Variations between different strains of viruses - this is particularly true of FCV where many different strains exist, not all of which are covered by the vaccines available.

2.       Maternally derived antibodies - when a kitten is born it is protected in its early life by antibodies passed from the queen in the first milk (colostrum).  These antibodies can also prevent vaccination from working properly. The amount of colostral antibodies that each kitten receives is variable and so the age at which a kitten can respond to vaccination successfully will also vary.  This is part of the reason why two or three injections are given in the primary course.

3.       The cat was not healthy at the time of vaccination - 'stress' can prevent a good response to vaccination.  For this reason your vet will give your cat a physical examination before a vaccination is given.

4.       The cat may also be pre-infected with the ‘cat flu’ virus and incubating the disease.

If you feel your cat has contracted an infection for which it is vaccinated then let your veterinary surgeon know.  Investigation to establish why vaccination has possibly failed can be undertaken.

What are the risks of vaccination?

Generally the risks of vaccination are extremely low, severe reactions being very rare. Many cats experience mild reactions at the site of vaccination where a lump may occur that can be painful.  Generalised reactions are sometimes seen, the cat being quiet, lame and often off its food for 24 hours after vaccination.  Occasionally more severe signs occur including vomiting, diarrhoea and profound depression.  Under these circumstances your veterinary practice should be informed.  Vaccine reactions appear to occur more commonly in kittens and some purebred cats.

Which are the most important vaccinations to have?

We suggest all cats be vaccinated against feline herpes virus, feline calicivirus and feline panleukopaenia. This is often referred to as a F3 vaccination.
For outdoor cats, we recommend vaccination against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).

Feline respiratory virus infection
Disease is caused by feline herpes virus or feline calicivirus and is commonly termed 'cat flu'.  It is a common disease in unvaccinated cats and can cause long-term problems, including chronic sneezing, nasal discharge, inflamed eyes and severe gum problems.

Feline panleukopenia infection
This is now an uncommon disease that causes a severe and often fatal gastro-enteritis.  Vaccination provides a high level of long lasting protection.

Feline immunodeficiency virus infection
All outdoor cats are susceptible to infection with FIV if bitten by an infected cat unless protected by vaccination against the virus. The initial vaccination is followed up by 2 more vaccinations 2-4 weeks apart and then with annual boosters. FIV vaccines can be given at the same time as regular F3 vaccinations.

Feline Chlamydial infection
This tends to be a particular problem in colony cats. Chlamydial infection causes a painful inflammation and swelling of the conjunctiva (the membrane around the eye) and has been associated with infertility in queens. This vaccine can make many cats sick for several weeks and only suggest vaccination in certain circumstances.

Feline leukaemia virus infection
FeLV causes suppression of the immune system, cancer of the white bloods cells and solid tumours. It is an extremely rare disease in Australia seen mainly in colonies. We only suggest vaccination for FeLV for at-risk cats.

Regular vaccination is an important part of routine health care for your cat and helps to ensure your cat remains fit and well.

Services for your cat

At The Cat Clinic we strive to give our feline patients the best of care, and your cat’s health is our priority. As the years go by, the ageing process can create more and more concerns for your cat and just like in people, early detection is the key to successful treatment.

The problems that our senior patients are at risk of developing include:

  • kidney disease
  • diabetes
  • over active thyroid glands
  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • high blood pressure
  • arthritis

Over the last few years there have been excellent advances in the treatment of many of these diseases seen in older cats, especially kidney disease. For these new treatments to have their greatest benefit though, they must start early before you notice any signs of illness.

We consider any cat 10 years of age or older to be a senior cat and re recommend that all senior cats start on our Senior Cat Care Program. The program involves a full veterinary check up, weigh in, dental examination, arthritis assessment, blood pressure measurement and some simple blood and urine screening tests designed to detect early signs of disease. Senior cat checks can be done at the same time as an annual vaccination which saves on one extra trip to the vet.

Senior cats should then be reassessed every 6 months to ensure any disease is diagnosed early and optimal treated provided. A senior cat program allows us to provide your cat with the best possible care and advise you on the special needs of your senior cat to ensure a long healthy life.

Cat years Human years
1 16
3 27
5 35
7 43
9 51
11 59
13 67
15 75
17 83
19 91

How old is your cat in human years?

The clinical examination is an essential part of preventative health care, however, we need to do some tests to help up see how the body is functioning. A brief description of the tests and what they mean follows.

Blood pressure is just as important in cats as it is in people, it is much harder to measure in cats though.  We use an ultrasound detector to amplify the pulse to we can make the measurement. High blood pressure is often caused by kidney disease or overactive thyroid glands.

Urine specific gravity is a test on the urine that lets us know how concentrated a cat’s urine is.  Cats are desert animals and they are supposed to have concentrated urine. This is one test where a high result is good. Urine that is not concentrated can be the first sign of many diseases including kidney disease and diabetes. When urine is not concentrated, you will usually see an increase in thirst.
Urine dipstick analysis use test strips to measure the levels of many chemicals in the urine. This is an excellent way of screening for diabetes and urinary tract disease. Information about some parts of kidney function can also be determined.

Creatinine is a waste product that is made in the muscles. The kidneys remove creatinine from the blood. We measure the levels in the blood to help see how well the kidneys are working.  If they are not working well then creatinine will build up to high levels. Although it is the best routine blood test available it is not able to detect very early kidney disease

Urea is a waste product made from the breakdown of spare protein, much of which comes from food. Like creatinine we can measure urea and a build up show the kidneys are not working properly. It is not as accurate a test as creatinine but it will often detect kidney disease slightly earlier.

ALT is an enzyme that is found in the liver and elevated levels indicate liver problems. Common causes of liver problems in older cats include bacterial infections, liver cancer and overactive thyroid glands.

Total protein is a simple test that measures the levels of protein in the blood. Abnormalities can be caused by many problems including inflammation, blood loss, liver, kidney, or intestinal disease.

Packed cell volume is a measure of how many red blood cells your cat has in their blood and tells us if anaemia is present or if there is dehydration.

Phone us today to arrange a senior check for your cat and join our Senior Cat Care Program.


The Cat Clinic takes referrals for a wide range of cases including

  • General medicine
  • Oncology – surgical and chemotherapy
  • Diagnostic imaging including ultrasound, radiology, dental radiology and endoscopy
  • Radio-Iodine therapy for hyperthyroidism
  • Dentistry including dental radiography and root canal therapy
  • Soft tissue surgery
  • Microsurgery
  • Vascular surgery
  • Orthopaedic surgery

Our clinic is well equipped with a modern ultrasound machine, video endoscopy and full range of feline surgical equipment.

Perhaps most importantly we have a hospital full of staff that love cats and understand their sometime unusual needs. This leaves the clients very happy that you chose The Cat Clinic to refer to.

Management of chronic pain and kidney disease

Chronic Pain

Cats are very good at hiding pain and are often overlooked because of it. Pain causes a variety of clinical signs including reduced appetite, difficulty jumping, lameness and resentment of being handled or groomed. Pain relieving medication designed just for cats can be used to effectively relieve pain.

The hardest part is usually recognising they are suffering pain.

Kidney disease
We routinely screen cats for evidence of kidney disease and when found, fully investigate the cause so we can recommend the best possible therapy. This often involves analysis urine, imaging the kidneys with ultrasound and collecting a biopsy when indicated.

The Cat Clinic excels at diagnosing and managing kidney disease.

Information for Anaesthesia

Your cat has been scheduled to have a procedure that requires an anaesthetic to be administered.

What You Need To Do

  1. Do not allow your cat to eat after 8 pm the night before the procedure.
  2. Water is allowed up until admission.
  3. Bring your cat in at the arranged time.
  4. Advise us of any problems your cat has had with anaesthesia in the past.
  5. Advise us of any drug allergies your cat has.
  6. If your cat is receiving medications ask us prior to giving them on the morning of the procedure. If in doubt DO NOT give the medication and advise us at admission.

In order to minimise the risks of anaesthesia our staff use only the best anaesthetic agents and equipment. Our staff will closely monitor your cat before, during and after the procedure. In some cats it is necessary to shave areas of fur for the placement of drips and some of the anaesthetic monitoring equipment.

The areas that are often shaved are on the front legs, the wrist and under the tail. If blood tests need to be taken there may also be a shaved area under the neck. If a surgery is being performed there will be a large amount of fur shaved around the surgery site. Ultrasound examinations will also need to have fur shaved.

We routinely measure heart rate, breathing rate, blood oxygen levels, breath carbon dioxide levels, gum colour and refill, blood pressure and depth of anaesthesia. Measuring all of these allows us to identify and correct any abnormalities that can arise during anaesthesia before they become a problem. Despite taking all precautions it is possible that complications, including death, can still occur in very rare circumstances.

If you have any questions about your cats anaesthetic or procedure, please feel free to ask.

Grooming and Clipping

Completed under a light general anaesthetic and can be combined with other short procedures such as dentals or lump removals.

Cats can be:

  • Clipped fully or
  • Bellies clipped and the rest of their coat groomed through

What to Expect When Your Cat is in the Hospital

Whether your cat is scheduled for an elective procedure or surgery, or needs to be hospitalized because of illness, we understand that you may be concerned about leaving your cat. We want to do all we can to make you and your cat as comfortable as possible. Please feel free to ask any questions or share any concerns you may have. Please advise us of any special dietary requirements your cat has, or any favourite foods.

When your cat is checked in, we will ask you to designate a person to receive information about your cat’s progress. Please ensure that this person is available at all times should we need to get in touch with you. This person can then relay information to the other members of the family. We will also collect contact information and provide you with an estimate for the currently expected procedures if you want one. A veterinarian or nurse (depending on the case) will admit your cat, and answer any questions you have about the planned procedures. A staff member will complete the necessary paperwork, and obtain a deposit if appropriate.

If your cat is here for a routine procedure, such as spaying, castration, or dental cleaning, we will arrange a discharge appointment for the afternoon. Please keep in mind that we see many cats for procedures each day, and we want to make sure all our patients get the attention they deserve while here. Complex medical and surgical patients will stay in hospital for their safety and comfort. Twice each day these cats will have a detailed examination and assessment of their progress. Once they are able to go home, we will ask you to schedule an appointment time for your cat’s discharge. At that time, a staff member will go over any discharge instructions and necessary medications.

If your cat is here for hospitalisation or intensive care (ICU), we will ask you to call us at least once daily, if any major changes occur in your cat’s condition we will call you. Your cat will be medicated and monitored throughout the day by our nurses and veterinarians. Twice each day these cats will have a detailed examination and assessment of their progress.

We encourage visits from family members during normal hospital hours, but it is necessary to call and let us know you are coming. This is so we can make sure your cat isn’t scheduled for any treatments while you are visiting. Your cat will be comforted by friendly faces, but may be overwhelmed by too many visitors at once. While hospitalised, your cat may be connected to IV fluids, urine collection systems or feeding tubes. While we do whatever is needed for your cat’s health and well-being, we realise this can sometimes be disconcerting, especially to younger visitors. Our hospital is staffed 24 hours a day so we can provide excellent care round the clock.

If at any time you have any concerns regarding the care of your cat please feel free to speak us about your concerns.